
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Visiting Moorea, Tahiti on a Budget                                        

                                               The Island of Moorea Tahiti


If you are anything like me going on a South Pacific vacation toTahiti is on your bucket list, but money could be a factor to do so sooner than later?  Well don't give up just yet because here are a few tips that will help you get to the south pacific without breaking the bank.  You don't have to go to Tahiti to visit French Polynesia..

 The Island of Moorea is just like Tahiti, but is for more budget minded travelers.  Keep in mind that its more rural and mosquitoes are more prevalent away from the coast, so keep that in mind when selecting your lodgings.  There are chickens everywhere and roosters crowing every morning after 6am can be a nuisance for those of us who likes to sleep in late that's why its important to select your hotel wisely.

Everyone speaks Tahitian and French, although anyone who is working in tourism will speak enough English to get by, although English is not well spoken by the general public. From the airport take the high speed ferry from Papeete. its only a few bucks more than the slow one, it gets there in half the time and its more sea-worthy. Air Tahiti - flights are about fifteen minutes long, and run back and forth several times a day. Be careful if you get airsick. 

The planes are small and fly at a low altitude so if there is any rough weather you will feel it the whole ride over.The roads are surprisingly good (thanks France). The main roads are all paved and quite wide. You can rent a moped for a day for about $50 USD and drive it around the island in a few hours without fear of death. If you don't know how to ride one, take it slow or you WILL get hurt. Or rent a car (expensive), or take a taxi (expensive), or Le Truck (cheap). There is also a shuttle bus service to and from the ferry terminal that goes around the whole island periodically. Hitching works with the usual caveats and risks


     Dolphins in your back yard.    This is common as almost all of the homes backs up to a shallow lagoon, or are close to or within a five to ten minute walk to the islands swallow waters.

Resort bungalows
What makes Moorea special is that it still maintains much of its original local flavors.  It is home to some of the best beaches in French Polynesia, the interior regions of this island are covered by a large and dense population of mape or giant chestnut trees. A gorgeous reef surrounds Moorea, while on land huge peaks soar up to over 899 meters into the sky. Offering some truly extraordinary views, a hike up these peaks is an incredible experience.







Nearly surrounded by a calm, warm, relatively shallow and crystal clear lagoon, the waters within the lagoon are warm and inviting...Sea Turtles in the Moorea waters  Amazing colors of Moorea fish!

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