
Sunday, September 28, 2008

give us a break

The same old crap on the news over and over again. Its so annoying listening to the stupid idiots on the news channels talking shit, from the bailout of wall street, to who won the first debate. People in this country are so stupid it really makes me sick. It was the same thing that caused the gas prices to escalate in the summer, the constant speculation of the demand for oil. What happened to that demand now? All this reminds me of the speculation on the housing market in the early 2000"s, causing a lot of unsuspecting people to get caught up in this big mortgage mess. The media should stop beating everything to death, and let the people read and decide on things for themselves. Why cant the government bail out the average American family? A lot of us has lost our jobs, and are stuck with car, house and student loans. Most of these people giving advise, and speculating about what is going to happen are idiots and have less common sense than the average citizen. If they were that smart they would not talk so much shit.