
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Villas FlamingosA perfect view from the Villas Flamingos Hotel On Holbox Island Mexico,  (I will call this Looking at the Horizon),

Just 26 miles long ( it reminds me of growing up in Antigua a small eastern Caribbean island) the Island is separated from Mexico's mainland by a shallow lagoon and is considered to have some of the finest restaurants along the coast with diverse choices from Mexican cuisine to international dishes,  in fact the small island has more than 25 specialty restaurants.  Some of the specialty dishes includes lobster pizza, stuffed pastor mushrooms and stuff squid just to name a few.

Most of the people on the island make their living by fishing and you will often see fishermen walking through the village with they nets filled with their catch of the day.  (another simple example of tropical life and is part of what I miss living in the US).  The island is also situated near three other small islands. (Yalahua, Passion Island, and Bird Island. (Isla Morena).

To get there Aerosaab a small airline flies tours there daily from Cancun and Playa Del Carmen.  There is even an airstrip to accommodate Aerosaab's 5 seater Cessna aircraft.

Villas Flamangos and Xaloc are some of the accommodations on the island.

Some of the recommended places to eat on the island (recommended by Travel Agent Magazine) are
Viva Zapata the islands most popular and vibrant dining spot on the island serves traditional Mexican food.  It has a lively ambiance with music so you can dance the calories off and will remind you that you are on a authentic Mexican getaway

Edelin another great option if you want to party.  Its lobster pizza is one of its most popular dishes

La Isla Del Colobri is a smaller a  more quieter option for those looking for a more cozy setting.

These a just a few of the dining options available on the island


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