
Saturday, December 3, 2016

I started this blog a few years ago to blog about anything that I was thinking about at that particular moment.  At that time I was not thinking about anything in particular, meaningful or important, because at that time my life was perfect although I did not know it then.  It has been a few years since I last posted anything on this blog, but I have decided that it is time for me to do something that could make a difference and I have decided that I will start blogging about the amount of children and adults in this world who are suffering and dying from cancer in-spite of the modern day high tech treatment that the medical establishment claims that is saving lives.

I am not a doctor, or a medical professional, but I have always used common sense,  I am disgusted and saddened that eight out of ten people diagnosed with cancer eventually dies from either the side effects of the treatments, or the return of the cancer.  No other disease in the history of the world has cause so much fear and pain like the words "you have cancer" has caused..  I have always had a fear for cancer but never in this lifetime have I ever thought that this horrid disease would hit home.  It was always assumed that this will only happen to someone else or another family.  In other words I
thought that my family and I were untouchable.

Fast forward to late 2013.  My sister 48 years old was experiencing pain in her side.  Nothing to worry about just an infection.  Frequent visits to the local 24 hour urgent care, antibiotics and all would be well.  This continued for almost a year until one of the doctors thought that something else was going on and decided to give her a referral to see a urologist.  Again fast forward to October 2014, and after about three months of different test and assumptions she heard those dreaded three words "You have cancer"..  Now if you have never had anyone in your live who were told those dreaded three words you would never know the feeling fear, and drama that follows after a cancer diagnosis. It is weeks and weeks of endless tests and doctors visits then scheduled surgery and hospitalization  Nothing but stress and disruption of normal life.

Eighteen months into treatment after chemo, and surgery she is dead!  more on her decline in later post, Isn't it time that we all who have been touched by this disease or have seen loved ones suffer through the before and after cancer treatments ask why?  shouldn't we start wondering if it is normal for a person who is diagnosed with this illness should be put through all the stress and horror of treatment and end up with poor results?  shouldn't we start asking more questions, and look at the end results of other people and decide if cancer treatments truly benefits anyone but the pharmaceutical companies and the oncologist who prescribes treatments.  Lets take a look at all the innocent kids who are stricken with this nasty illness .  let us look at the before treatment pictures and then look at after and during treatment pictures.   Can anyone really say that the treatments that are being administered looks like healing?  Why is it that cancer patients looks and get sicker after they are being treated as opposed to before diagnosis?  These are questions that we all must answer.
